Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Maybe I'll Play the Lottery

I don't know why I'm giving you all a work update, I think I just need to vent or something. Anyway, here's the deal: My gung-ho and eternally optimistic workaholic boss has another new business plan, which makes something like a million in the past few months (I'm exaggerating, but yeah). In this one, he's decided we need the help of investors, and has hatched some crazy investment plan wherein they get a huge return on their money since we're what you'd call a "high-investment" risk. That's akin to saying wolverine-juggling is a "high-blood-loss" sport. In other news, once my cuts heal, I'm considering turning pro.

Anyway, he says he has an investor lined up, but that it could also fall through at any second. Basically, the pattern here has been any time something is imminent or my boss has a great plan that's sure to succeed, it doesn't pan out and we spend the next few months the same way we spent the previous few - gradually billing a little more, not really going anywhere, still suffering from poor organization, and increasing bad morale with cruddy work conditions and low pay. The other programmer and I are pretty much fed up with the cycle - my boss makes great speeches and has ambitious ideas, but all talk and no action makes for a pretty uninterested Geoff. I know what you're thinking, why don't I take initiative and make suggestions myself or start the work towards change? Because I get the impression it won't matter, and I'm frankly beyond caring - yes, my typically cynical responses, but I'm 99% sure this company is not gonna make it, with or without my heroic efforts, and that makes it hard to want to invest in it's future, especially when I don't like a lot of what I do.

What today's little talk about investors and the business plan basically boiled down to this, for me: We MIGHT move to better working conditions if we can convince some crazy investor we're worth the effort (for the record, the product IS pretty great, but something isn't quite working with the company), and then it'll be at least 8 more months (read: probably twice as long), if everything goes ok, before we get a raise from the piddly wages we make now. That's just not acceptable to me - I understand why they want to put everything back into the business, but part of that is us, and when we've been going on a year and a half at the same pay rate per hour (which, by the way, is slightly less than I made while working produce at the grocery store, and now less than my roommate makes after 5 months at his job with the same degree as me and less qualifications), I think we've got a right to be fed up, especially when we've supposedly been able to see this "light at the end of the tunnel" for a while now. For crying out loud, we don't even get benefits. We get coffee if it's remembered, and a box of donuts if decadence rules the day. Last time I looked, "Caffeinated and Fat" was not the ideal state for employees. It's one of my personal preferences, but then again, I march to a different drummer. A fat and caffeinated drummer. Which also describes me. Oh ho, the circular nature of my own ramblings.

So yeah, I guess I'm venting, and also affirming the fact that, once I figure out what I'm gonna do with myself, I'm outta here. I just don't like it enough to stick it out, especially when it's not even providing enough recompense to pay for health needs, support any hobbies I might have, or plan for a future, which I hear is what responsible adults do.

In other news, I would like some pizza. Or maybe a pizza trophy.

Also, vote now: Star Wars Stormtrooper army vs. Genetically-Engineered Fighting Bunny army - who wins, and why?


Blogger Kirk said...

Ok important things first: Genetically-Engineered Fighting Bunny army for sure. Any one who has seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail has seen what one Genetically-Engineered Fighting Bunny can do. Now close your eyes and imagine a whole army of them. I shudder even right now at the thought. Run away, yes run away. On the subject of new business ventures I suggest you go to your boss and suggest a very simple pyramid scheme. Tell him to give you 50000 dollars and get 6 of his friends to also give you 50000 dollars then give him 100000 back. Your boss doubles his money you end up with 250000 and hey they were his friends not yours.

5:03 p.m.  
Blogger Warrior said...


5:27 p.m.  
Blogger Jo said...

Lol! Kirk, THAT pyramid scheme is brilliant.

Geoff, the work situation really stinks. I can see clearly now why you have been wanting to do something else.

My vote is also for the genetically engineered bunnies. Why? you ask. Well, because a prima facie, the average onlooker will be deceived by the cuddly looking facade, and will let down their guard, which clearly gives the bunnies a great advantage---THE LURE...

7:00 p.m.  
Blogger Jo said...

Also, I just thought of the IDEAL job:

massage therapist quality control agent. this job involves laying on the table of different masseuses (sp?) for massage treatment for the purpose of assessing the quality of their massage ability.

I mean, the work is rough, but the pay makes it worth it.

7:09 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, I'm gonna have to go bunnies for the mere fact that you can make a lot of them really quickly; or rather, THEY can make a lot of themselves quickly, whereas Stormtroopers take years of advance planning.

7:14 p.m.  
Blogger Nata said...

This is great news! I guess you're moving to Saint John!


(Eventually Paul and I will get what we want. Your boss is practically doing the work for us!)

11:36 p.m.  
Blogger S.I. said...

um, maybe I'm a quitter, but I'd say quit now and breathe some fresh air. Sounds like you're working for poopheads.

And I have an asnwer to why you get so many comments--somehow this has become the local cyber hangout

12:01 a.m.  
Blogger Hooper said...

It's because I pose the hard hitting questions concerning genetically created fighting armies, and because I shy away from laughable topics such as "life issues".

Kirk - seems like a good idea, but you know the only people who have 50000 to throw into something like that also have access to hired goons. You know, the kind who wear suits with open collars that have gold chains and chest hair on display. Also, they may brandish brass knuckles, lead pipes, piano wires and the like. But one of them has a troublesome past that could change everything. What I'm saying is that this sounds like an awesome movie.

Josh - it's not Office Space yet, but eerily enough, I was reminded of Nina from corporate accounts payable the other day when when of my coworkers answered the phone. "Just a moment" rang through my ears, and I died a little.

Nata, it honestly will be the first place I look at as I job hunt - I'd love to be around you both more.

Stephanie - I would love to quit right now. Bottom line is, I have bills, loans, and rent to pay, and a powerful need to eat, which unless you have the biggest gun (or a sugar-mama - still on the table, girls), all cost money.

The people I work for aren't "poopheads", per se, in fact they're very nice, but I'm not sure the management style is one that breeds success, or even high morale - they just don't have "it", I guess I'm saying, and it's gotten stale.

9:04 a.m.  
Blogger S.I. said...

Oh, but there are many kinds of poopheads: Poopheads who are mean, Poopheads who have no sense, Poopheads who make other people miserable, Poopheads who are inadequate leaders, and finally, poopheads who pick up poop and put it on their heads.

9:31 a.m.  
Blogger Jo said...

no, geoff gets so many comments b/c he is funny, random, self-deprecating and satirical.

plus he made us all wait so long for him to ("come out of his shell" or "take off his ninja mask" if you will) that we are all now bemused (because of deprivation if you will) by geoff-isms in blogosphere.

but if he doesn't respond to my comment as he does to all you others, i'm going to feel officially ignored....and that could be a problem--it might make me sad. and then i would have to go see dr. paul again.

3:10 p.m.  
Blogger Hooper said...

Oh, those literal poopheads. They play by no one's rules.

Jo - First off, I forgot to respond to your job idea, which may I say, is maybe the most brilliant idea ever.

Secondly, aw, that's nice of you to say. I very much aim to be random, self-deprecating, and satirical. If that comes off as funny, so be it, it's beyond my control.

I'm probably just a trend, though, so I'd better make an album, do a Disney movie or two, and have a very public breakup - that's how all the teen starlets do it, so it should work for me. I will of course save the clothing line/fragrance for when my popularity begins to wane.

3:45 p.m.  
Blogger Jo said...

i don't buy it. YOU are the one who (has the responsibility) decides whether or not your blog is doomed to teen starlet trend status!

9:24 a.m.  
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11:12 a.m.  
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9:24 a.m.  
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1:51 a.m.  

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