I've been busy
No I haven't, that's a lie. But, since Meeks threatened to expose me to the Down Under, I have no choice but to blog again.
See, the problem lies in the fact that my life is REALLY BORING. Honestly, I'm not doing much here. I work, eat, sleep, and every so often, I do slightly more entertaining things. I'm also not one to prattle on about mundane details in my life, since I don't really like talking about myself that much to begin with, and assume that if I find my life boring, chances are others will too.
Anyway, why am I blogging now? Because I'm asking you, good readership, to hold me accountable to something. Kind of. It's not gonna make or break me if you don't, but I figure if I state it publicly, it'll put more of an impetus on me to actually follow through.
Bottom line, I've wanted to make a CD for several years now. Way too many. I kept putting it off because I either get caught up in other things, or I get in perfectionist mode where everything I come up with is unsatisfactory and as such get discouraged. I've suddenly realized I'm gonna be 30 next year, and I gotta accomplish something, so why not start with my biggest dream and work my way down, eh?
Unfortunately, as I and the congregation of Saint John First Wesleyan found out this past weekend, my skills, wherever they were at one point, have diminished quite a bit. I played drums for the worship team there Sunday morning. It was not good. That was not the point of the worship service, don't worry, I get that. But I wasn't impressed at all.
So, I'm going back to practicing. Starting tonight, and every night I head over to my parents for supper, I'm going down to my drumkit that still resides in the basement and practicing for an hour. I'm looking into new equipment for playing and recording guitar, bass, and maybe a keyboard. If any of you hear about any good deals on a nice guitar that's NOT a strat, any solid effects pedals, sound boards, mics, or especially a good keyboard, please let me know. I'm serious about this, and I'm trying to work up the courage to take a leap of faith and dish out the funds necessary to fill out my sonic arsenal to the point where the ideas floating in my head can actually take form.
I've always believed I can do this, but I've always let the perfectionist attitude in me and the cost dissuade me. No more. I really want to do this, I almost feel like I HAVE to do it. It's not for the accolades if it were good or not, it's just for the sheer fact that I LOVE music, I love creating it, love messing around with it, and just have a need to get ideas, thoughts, creativity, whatever, out of my head and into the world, even if it's not the perfect final product I want it to be.
Personally, I feel like it's something to pray for, and if you do too, go right ahead - I especially could use inspiration for lyrics that make you think, but don't dwell on me, or on problems so much as the Savior, who's the solution to those things. I've got an idea for the CD, it's a neat concept that I don't quite want to share yet, but if I can pull it off the way I'd like to, it'll be not only a catharsis for me, but maybe even be a help or a comfort or an encouragement, heck even a warning, to those going through similar points in their walk with God.
Wow, it sounds so daunting to actually talk about. I don't care, I'm still doing it.